Wireshark Environment

The Scala Wireshark Environment is a powerful network protocol analyzer that allows you to capture and interactively browse the traffic running during the ns-3 simulation. It is typically used for advanced analysis of network traffic. Wireshark is used by industry professionals for network troubleshooting, protocol analysis, software and communications protocol development and training. It is fully integrated with the rest of the platform so that users can easily using to view their simulation packet capture data (PCAP) for running simulations.



Integrated desktop
Decide which models produce PCAP results for analysis and evaluate those PCAP files in real time during the simulation
Full Capabilities
Wireshark allows for deep inspection of multiple protocols and includes features such as advanced packet statistics, highlighting potential issues and graphical representations of network traffic patterns for intuitive analysis
Platform supports a virtually unlimited number of users with securely managed access to shared simulations and results